The level of perceived corruption in Hungary has further deteriorated, according to the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) results released by Transparency International (TI). Hungary scored even lower than in 2020, becoming the country perceived as the second most corrupt member state of the EU after Bulgaria, the global NGO found.
In 2021, Hungary scored 43 points on a scale ranging from 0 points (the most corrupt country) to 100 points (the country least infected with corruption), ranking 73rd in a survey of 180 countries, down one point and four places compared to the previous year.
This is the worst result the country has ever received. In the European Union, only Bulgaria scored worse, with 42 points.
In addition to Luxembourg, Poland, and Cyprus, Hungary was also highlighted in the summary as a European country where the perception of corruption has significantly deteriorated since 2012.
Transparency International has calculated the corruption perception each year in a given country since 1995. The index currently scores 180 countries and territories around the world by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, using data from 13 external sources, including the World Bank, World Economic Forum, private risk and consulting companies, think tanks, and others. The scores reflect the views of experts and business people. The results are given on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).
Over the past ten years, Hungary has seen the largest drop in scores (12 points) among the 11 Central and Eastern European EU countries, while Estonia and Latvia have performed the best, with an increase of 10 points each. Among the Visegrad countries, Slovakia scored 9, the Czech Republic 11, and Poland 13 points higher than Hungary last year.
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Gov't Blames Soros for Worsening Ranking on Transparency Corruption Index
Hungary, having scored 44 points, slipped back once again on a corruption scale, and is now ranked 70th in the world, according to the yearly report of corruption watchdog Transparency International. The government suspects US billionaire George Soros is behind the report. The latest Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is based on 13 surveys and […]Continue reading
Regarding the NGO’s latest CPI report, Transparency International Hungary (TI Hungary) also noted: “While globally Hungary is considered moderately corrupt, within the European Union it is still perceived as one of the most corrupt Member States.”

Photo via Transparency International’s website
According to Transparency International, the Hungarian government has taken advantage of the epidemic to further consolidate its power and restrict freedoms, in particular freedom of expression and media freedom.
By comparison, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Italy, and Greece have significantly improved in the last 10 years, although Austria has slightly declined over the past three.
Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand once again took the top spots as the countries perceived as the least corrupt with 88 points, while Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Germany also finished in the top ten. The most corrupt country in the world based on the index is South Sudan (11 points).
Governmnent: Soros campaigns before elections in Hungary
Reacting to the results of Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, the International spokesman of the Orbán government said: “Just like during previous election seasons, George Soros’ Transparency International is here to provide ammunition for the anti-Hungary orchestra’s slanted narrative.”
The Orbán government has been refusing for years to accept the findings of TI’s corruption index as valid. They repeatedly stressed that “Soros organizations” are publishing “false and misleading reports which fail to take even the most fundamental facts into consideration.”
State news agency MTI has not even reported that Transparency International has released its new Corruption Perceptions Index.
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