This was the first time that Hungarian pilots dropped infrared traps from H145M helicopters.Continue reading
One of the Air Force’s new Airbus H-145M helicopters was reported to have crashed during maneuvers in Croatia’s Chikola Canyon. According to information currently available, two crew members have lost their lives in the tragic accident, a third one is missing.
Ambulances and road closures were seen by locals in the area, and photos of plumes of smoke were published on Croatian social media portals. The Twitter account of the Croatian Ministry of Defense informed that a “Mi-17 helicopter and the Pilatus HRZ plane are searching for a military helicopter that crashed in the area of Pakova village in Šibenik-Knin County. It is not a helicopter of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. The Ministry of Defense will inform the public about all the details in a timely manner”.
Helikopter Mi-171 Sh i avion Pilatus HRZ u potrazi su za vojnim helikopterom koji se srušio na području Pakova sela u Šibensko-kninskoj županiji.
Nije riječ o helikopteru Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske.
Ministarstvo obrane će pravovremeno o svim detaljima izvijestiti javnost— MORH/MoD Croatia (@MORH_OSRH) June 21, 2023
The Hungarian Ministry of Defense has informed that “2 Airbus H145 helicopters of the Hungarian Air Force were performing an aerial training mission in Croatian airspace when one of the helicopters crashed in the central part of Croatia with 3 people on board, under unclear circumstances. The rescue teams found the wreckage of the helicopter, during their search they found the bodies of 2 soldiers, and they are still looking for the third.
Photo: Facebook Magyar Honvédség
Hungarian President Katalin Novák had expressed her condolences on her social media account.
Featured Photo: Facebook Radio Drnis