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Thirteen Gidrán Combat Vehicles Join the Defense Forces’ Armored Brigade in Tata

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.06.12.

A total of thirteen Gidrán combat vehicles will roll through the gates of the Klapka György 1st Armored Brigade of the Hungarian Defense Forces in Tata (northwestern Hungary) in two tranches – on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Defense Minister announced in a statement.

The Ministry of Defense quoted Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky as saying that the new equipment will be taken over by soldiers of the József Barankay 1st Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion, who joined the Hungarian Defense Forces in February this year in response to the call of the “Man for Iron! 2.0” recruitment campaign.

The arriving Turkish Ejder Yalçın combat vehicles, known in Hungary as Gidráns. Photo via honvedelem.hu.

The Gidráns, manufactured in Turkey, were first delivered to Kaposvár (southern Transdanubia),where radios, other info-communication equipment, and software were installed, the Minister of Defense noted. He added that after the system installation, the combat vehicles will be assigned to the armored brigade in Tata.

The ten Gidráns currently at the unit are on operational duty with the Klapka György 1st Armored Brigade in Tata as part of the NATO Multinational Forward Land Forces Battle Group (FLF BG).


The vehicle’s original Turkish name is Ejder, meaning dragon, but the Hungarian Defense Forces named it after a Hungarian horse breed with a very significant historical background, the Gidrán. The development of the Gidrán platform by a new Hungarian joint venture was announced in December 2020. The Hungarian vehicles technically constitute a fourth generation Ejder Yalçin with specific modifications for the Defense Forces, including LED lighting and improved ergonomics.

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Via MTI; Featured image via honvedelem.hu

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