Last year, five waters in Hungary were approved for use as thermal waters.Continue reading
More than one and a half billion forints will be used to renovate three spas in Békés County, southeastern Hungary, Magyar Nemzet reports. The Gyomaendrőd, the Orosháza-Gyopárosfürdő, and the Békés baths have all won EU support for energy modernization.
Balázs Toldi, mayor of Gyomaendrőd, said that the Liget Spa won HUF 430 million (EUR 1.05 million) from the Operational Program for Regional and Urban Development (TOP) Plus, that will be used
to replace the windows, install solar panels, and enable the 62°C water of the thermal well to be used for heating instead of gas.
The mayor of the town of more than 12,000 inhabitants said that the spa had previously been earmarked for modernization and renovation with almost HUF 3 billion (EUR 73 million), but the project is currently “on the back burner.” Energy modernization was also planned at the time, so the construction plans are now ready.
The complex in Orosháza-Gyopárosfürdő will be modernized with HUF 727.6 million (EUR 1.8 million) from TOP Plus funds, said Norbert Erdős, Member of Parliament for the region. The roof structure of the leisure baths had become unsafe due to design problems, and the previous municipality had remedied the problem with a HUF 190 million (EUR 463,000) development loan.
Gyopárosfürdő, known as “the pearl of the Great Plain,” is a popular tourist center of Orosháza. Photo: Wikipedia
Tibor Kálmán, mayor of Békés, said that the TOP plus energy modernization of the city’s spa and health center had also been given the green light, with HUF 430 million to carry out the work.
Via Magyar Nemzet, Featured image: Pixabay