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Apathy Towards Anti-Hungarian Sentiments in the European Parliament

Hungary Today 2024.06.27.
The European Parliament’s building.

The Anti Hungairan sentiments of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) is largely ignored in Europe, as noted by political analyst Zsolt Pászkán, writes maszol.ro.

The analyst points out that anti-Hungarian sentiments expressed by Romanian members of European parliamentary groups have not been criticized. Zsolt Pászkán cynically remarks that if Hungarians were identified as a sexual minority or Ukrainians, they might receive more sensitivity.

The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group recently included AUR MEPs. Mr. Pászkán explains that Christian Terheş, who was initially elected under the Social Democratic Party but later joined the Christian Democratic Nationalist Peasant’s Party and ECR, played a key role in this decision.

Mr. Terheş led the AUR list in recent elections, despite not being an AUR member, suggesting his ECR membership was a valuable asset for AUR leaders like George Simion.

The analyst asserts that Anti Hungairan sentiments is irrelevant in European politics, with no major political groups, including the European People’s Party, Party of European Socialists, or Renew, taking action against anti-Hungarian remarks by Romanian members. He suggests that European sensitivity towards minorities does not extend to Hungarians, who, along with other European minority national communities, do not receive much consideration.

Diana Ioanovici Sosoaca. Photo: Facebook

Regarding AUR’s policy and rhetoric, Zsolt Pászkán argues that AUR lacks a concrete policy and is driven purely by rhetoric aimed at political gain. He believes this rhetoric can change depending on what benefits AUR politically, especially with upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections.

On the international stage, Mr. Pászkán doubts that ECR membership will significantly impact AUR’s popularity in Romania.

He notes that figures like Christian Terheş are not well-known in Romania, and European Parliament (EP) activities attract little attention from the general public. He also warns that ECR membership might detach AUR from Romanian issues, potentially harming the party more than benefiting it.

Discussing the potential impact of Diana Şoşoacă’s party joining the EP group around Alternative for Germany (AfD), Zsolt Pászkán suggests that these Western European parties are primarily focused on meeting group formation criteria rather than the ideological content of new members.

He speculates that Şoşoacă and her partner, Lazarus, may face short-lived memberships or be forced into compromises incompatible with their political goals in Romania.

Ultimately, Pászkán implies their real objective might simply be securing well-paid MEP positions.

From a Hungarian perspective, this analysis underscores a lack of European sensitivity to Anti Hungairan sentiments and highlights the broader challenges Hungarian communities face in gaining political support and recognition within the European Union.

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Via maszol.ro; Featured Image: Pixabay

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