Apart from digital development, it is also important that young officers are appointed to leadership positions.Continue reading
Defense Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky could relieve more than 110 senior officers and generals from their duties in the next few months, reported Index.hu. Moreover, quotas for officer training have not been increased and some fear that there could be a temporary capability gap until new ones are trained.
Under a government decree published in January, the defense minister can terminate the service of soldiers who have reached the age of 45 and have at least 25 years of actual service, with a two-month suspension period. Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky believes that the time has come for a rejuvenation of the military, and a new generation of officers with international experience and language skills are needed. The minister said that young commanders with mission experience and outstanding physical fitness should be given priority, as they will be best suited to use modern military equipment and combat procedures.
On 17 January, the day the government decree was published, Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky reportedly gave an annual assessment speech, where the names of those who would be relieved of duty on the grounds of the government decree were read out in the presence of Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, Chief of the Defense Staff. According to some reports, more than 110 senior officers will be retired. The paper understands that in parallel with the retirements, most department heads in the Ministry of Defense have also been replaced.
Photo: Facebook Magyar Honvédség
The dismissals do not automatically mean an immediate loss of livelihood: the defense service allowance will be introduced for those affected. This is based on 70 per cent of final salary and is supposed to be paid to those entitled until they reach the age of retirement, even if they work part-time. However, who qualifies for this is a matter for individual ministerial decision.
A wave of promotions could see more lower-ranking officers move up the ranks, but this could mean that there will be far fewer lieutenants, captains and officers in the ranks, whose main task is tactical, battlefield leadership.
Via Index.hu, Featured Photo: Facebook Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky