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The Ban on the Sale of Energy Drinks to Minors Is Approaching

Hungary Today 2024.07.15.

Previously, two Christian Democrat politicians, Lőrinc Nacsa and István Hollik had taken the initiative to ban the sale of energy drinks to under-18s. A draft decree regulating the issue has already been published on the government website, Index reports.

A draft decree “Amendment to Government Decree 210/2009 (IX. 29.) on the conditions for conducting commercial activities in connection with the protection of the health of children and minors” has been published on the government website. It would stipulate that non-alcoholic beverages under heading 2009 or 2202 containing 15 milligrams or more per 100 milliliters of any of the compounds belonging to the group of methylxanthines or contains methylxanthine and any of the following substances:

  • ginseng,
  • L-arginine,
  • inositol,
  • glucuronolactone,
  • taurine.

The draft’s impact assessment sheet explained that the National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy – and its predecessor – received a total of 565 reports of energy drink-related events, sickness and adverse symptoms in the period under review, from November 1, 2011 to October 13, 2023. Of the reported incidents, 26 percent involved girls and 74 percent involved boys. The amount of energy drink consumed varied from 1 deciliter to 2.5 liters per person. In 21.5 percent (97 cases), energy drinks were consumed with alcohol.

The data also showed that 74 percent (333) of the 450 people affected by symptoms and sickness were under 18 years old.

Symptoms associated with energy drink consumption were also noted: dizziness, fainting, vomiting, nausea, strong palpitations, tremors, numbness of the left hand, high blood pressure, headache, chest pain, restlessness. Adverse effects have included: caffeine overdose, late miscarriage in pregnant women, low birth weight, stillbirth, negative effects on the nervous and cardiovascular systems in children and adolescents, and addiction. The plan would help to prevent these risk factors and adverse health effects.

Most People Support Ban on Energy Drinks for Minors
Most People Support Ban on Energy Drinks for Minors

The results of a questionaire show that most respondents agree that energy drinks should not be available to minors.Continue reading

Via Index, Featured image: Pixabay

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