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Terror Groups Must be Defeated to Protect Citizens, says Foreign Minister during Jordan Visit

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.05.23.
Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó (L) and his Jordanian counterpart, Ayman Safadi (R).

The terrorist attack in Israel last October opened up a whole new era in the Middle East. The situation poses a security risk for Europe as well, and the Hungarian government’s position in this regard is that escalation must be prevented, terrorist groups must be defeated, and civilians must be protected, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said in Amman.

The Minister noted at a joint press conference with his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi that the  October 7 terrorist attack in Israel opened a new era in the Middle East, in which the international community should focus on preventing an escalation of the conflict and the outbreak of an open war between states.

We see Jordan’s stability and common sense as key, because it is in such common sense that we see the hope that peace can one day return to the Middle East,”

he emphasized. “And of course, we must also ensure that there is never again a repeat of the terrorist attacks that hit Israel on October 7 anywhere in the world,” the Minister added.

At the same time, he said that everything must be done to protect civilians. He underlined that the obstruction of humanitarian activities is unacceptable, and called for the hostages to be released as soon as possible.

Péter Szijjártó stressed that

Hungary highly values the role of the Middle East country in maintaining stability in the region and in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister also mentioned that both Hungary and Jordan are located in a region that faces extremely serious security challenges, while neither is to blame for the tensions surrounding them. “Neither of us bears any responsibility for these conflicts, yet we are among those who are paying the price,” he said.

“The Hungarian people are rightly fed up with this. The Hungarian people want peace, and the whole country, the whole nation, is perplexed by the extremely dangerous nonsense of some European politicians (…) Some European politicians want to send soldiers to Ukraine, while other European politicians fantasize about the use of nuclear weapons,” Mr. Szjjártó argued. He added that in the European Parliament elections on June 9, the people could vote for peace and “send a message to the European politicians who talk nonsense that enough is enough.”

The politician noted that in the current situation, the importance of stable, reliable cooperation based on mutual respect has been enhanced, and that this is exactly what the relationship between Hungary and Jordan is.

Szijjártó also pointed out that

several agreements were signed during the visit,

one of which will allow 400 Jordanian students to continue studying at Hungarian universities every year. “This is the largest number we receive from one country,” he emphasized.

In addition, a joint training program for young diplomats will be launched, collaboration will be strengthened, and youth cooperation will start. The Foreign Minister added that the Hungarian government has provided USD 4 million worth of aid to Jordan over the past five years to help refugees, and that the Hungary Helps program will open an office in Amman to improve the effectiveness of its work.

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Via MTI; Featured image via Facebook/Szijjártó Péter

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