Three more wells drilled at the site will be completed and tested.Continue reading
MVM Group is drilling its tenth well in the gas fields of Eastern Hungary, the Ministry of Energy said on its social media page.
The ministry explained that the deepening of the fourth new well in the Sarkad area was recently completed and is currently being tested. The drilling of a further well has just started. In Nyékpuszta, four wells have been put on production since February 2023. The volume of natural gas brought to the surface has now exceeded 100 million cubic meters, while 135,000 cubic meters of light crude oil have been produced.
The Hungarian energy company had drilled four wells in Berettyóújfalu by February this year. The first came on stream in June and has so far produced 4 million cubic meters of natural gas, while the second is currently being tested.
Domestic gas consumption has fallen from the pre-international energy crisis level of 10-11 billion cubic meters per year to close to 8 billion cubic meters.
Natural gas has a major role to play in a successful green transition as a balancing energy source for weather-dependent renewables,
the ministry emphasized.
The government will strengthen Hungary’s energy sovereignty and the security of supply for domestic consumers by increasing the use of domestically available resources, they stressed. The Ministry of Energy has launched concession procedures for hydrocarbon exploration, exploration and production in eight areas, the post said.
Via MTI, Featured image: Pixabay