The European Union is in the captivity of a globalist oligarchy.Continue reading
The Patriots for Europe party family is calling for a change in the leadership of the European Union. They set out their strategy for the coming months at the two-day summit in Madrid, along the lines of defending national sovereignty, freedom, and European identity, and rejecting mass immigration.
“Yesterday we were the heretics, today we are the mainstream. Yesterday they said we were the past, today everyone sees that we are the future. Long live the Patriots!” said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, President of Fidesz, on Saturday in Madrid, at a rally of the Patriots for Europe party family.
Mr. Orbán reminded participants that the world had changed in a few weeks as a result of the “Trump tornado.”
“We, Patriots, are writing the future in America, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, and Hungary; the Czech Republic is getting ready,”
he emphasized.
“We are many, we are big and we are strong,” Orbán said. He added that Hungary today is a laboratory of conservative politics, “for fifteen years we have been building a free, conservative, and Christian Hungary.”
The example of Hungary proves that a country can be successful, even if you refuse to follow what the progressive global elite dictates. This elite has been dealt a major blow by President @realDonaldTrump. Now it’s our turn, the turn of the @PatriotsEU to finish the job in… pic.twitter.com/oKQV2glRtz
— Orbán Viktor (@PM_ViktorOrban) February 9, 2025
The Prime Minister recalled that “we are the ones who have protected ourselves from migration,” stressing that not a single illegal migrant enters Europe through Hungary. He added that
in Hungary “we support our own Hungarian families instead of migrants.”
Furthermore, Orbán detailed that the government has banned gender propaganda from schools, and the constitution stipulates that all state bodies have a duty to protect Christian culture and that mothers are women and fathers are men.
Among the achievements, he cited that unemployment had been eliminated and companies in Hungary pay the lowest taxes in Europe. For all this, “the globalist elite of course hates us,” “the bureaucrats in Brussels, the US Democrats, and the Soros network have launched a manhunt against us; they are hunting us because we defended our country,” he underlined. He recalled that 15 years ago, when Hungarians turned against the progressive elite, they said it was madness, impossible, political suicide. “However, we did not listen to them, we did it, and Hungary is living proof that it is possible, that it can be done.”
Patriots Summit in Madrid. President Trump’s victory is a clear sign that the age of Patriots has come. If all goes well, Herbert Kickl will soon join the club. We hope to welcome you at our next Summit as Chancellor of Austria! pic.twitter.com/6ChNIWu2MF
— Orbán Viktor (@PM_ViktorOrban) February 7, 2025
Orbán accused Brussels of causing the European economy to sink, of sending “our money” to Ukraine “in a hopeless war,” and of flooding Europe with migrants because it opened the borders to “an invasion of migrants.” Referring to the Soros plan, he pointed out that the illegal migrant invasion and population change in Europe is not a conspiracy theory but a reality.
In 2015, George Soros announced that one million migrants should be allowed into Europe every year, and this has happened, with nine million illegal migrants arriving in nine years.
He said that today the progressive world elite is simply stealing Europe from its people, just as in Greek mythology Europe is kidnapped by a Greek god bearing the image of a bull. And in Spain, they know “how to deal with bulls gone wild,” said the Prime Minister, who called the host, Vox president Santiago Abascal, the bravest bullfighter in politics.
“Santiago, let us tame this wild bull together,” said Orbán, who also addressed the Vox president at the beginning of his speech, stressing that after 19 years as prime minister and 16 years as opposition leader, he understands and feels the path of those who rise from opposition to power. In his view, Santiago Abascal and Vox have indeed suffered enough to get into government. “Santiago, I understand you and I am with you,” he emphasized.
The party family, which has the third largest group in the European Parliament, aims to consolidate itself as an alternative to the European conservatives and socialists as “the only real alternative to EU policies that have weakened national sovereignty, economic prosperity, and European security.”
On Friday, the first day of the summit, billed under the slogan “Make Europe Great Again,” party leaders held a working meeting in private, followed by a dinner with Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation think tank, as guest of honor.
“We are united by our love of country against the dissolution of borders, united by the defense of our identity against globalism and multiculturalism. We are united in the defense of family and freedom against the ideology of woke,” said the event’s host, Santiago Abascal, in his welcome address.
Santiago Abascal (L) and Viktor Orbán. Photo: MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Fischer Zoltán
“The Brussels elite has learned nothing from its mistakes and has not given up its ambition to transform the European Union into a mega-state focused on social manipulation, with disastrous consequences for Europeans: illegal immigration and insecurity on our streets, reduced competitiveness, rising energy prices, climate fanaticism, excessive regulation and interference in private enterprise, and ideological pressure on member states,” the group’s statement read.
Patriots leaders are calling for change in Brussels to prevent further disastrous decisions, failed policies, and the maintenance of the status quo.
We, the Patriots, are determined to bring back common sense to the decision-making process within the European Union and to lead the European Union back to its core values,” the statement said.
Assessing the summit on Kossuth Radio, Fidesz MEP Csaba Dömötör said that
it was a huge show of strength, a powerful demonstration of a new European right, where thousands of participants sent a message of renewal to all corners of Europe.
The most recurring word at the event, the politician observed, was “reconquista,” or “reclaim,” and this is no coincidence, because the patriotic community is made up of people who want to make Europe great again, to keep it “as we love it,” the best place in the world.
Balázs Orbán, the Prime Minister’s political director, told the public media in Madrid that the new US leadership is tilting the race towards patriotic forces in Europe. He expects that the members of the Patriots for Europe party family will all grow stronger in their own countries. He pointed out that the Patriots have won all elections since their formation, have chances of coming to government in Austria and the Czech Republic, and are already in government in Italy and the Netherlands.
The future belongs to the Patriots!
With @realDonaldTrump back in the White House Europe is discovering that political will, carried by support from the people, can change a Nation’s destiny.
While more and more national Patriot parties are in power, the EU is stuck in the… pic.twitter.com/p9oliqT953
— Balázs Orbán (@BalazsOrban_HU) February 7, 2025
Via MTI, Featured photo via MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Fischer Zoltán