“Hungarians cannot be robbed,” Warns the Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave an interview to public media from Brussels on Friday morning. During the talk, he touched on the... 2025.03.21.
Opposition Politicians Throw Tantrum in Parliament with Smoke Flares over Pride Ban The vote on the amendment to the law allowing the ban on Pride took place under scandalous circumstances on Tuesday.... 2025.03.19.
Amendment Proposed after Pride March Deemed Contrary to Child Protection Legislation The Fidesz-KDNP governing parties have submitted a bill to amend the assembly law, aiming to prohibit events such as the... 2025.03.18.
Sovereignty Is Becoming a Value, Says House Speaker The unipolar, liberal world order is over, the majority of the world does not share the "dogmatic idiocy" of the... 2025.03.07.
Viktor Orbán: “Hungary will become a family tax haven” Viktor Orbán started the morning on Friday on Kossuth Radio, talking about the latest political developments. The Prime Minister spoke... 2025.02.28.
German Embassy Lectures Hungary as Homophobic Violence Ramps up at Home In the international arena, Hungary and the Hungarian government have been branded as homophobic and anti-LGBTQ. However, what institutions and... 2023.07.20.
Embassy of Slovakia Gets Dressing Down for Attacking the Hungarian Government Despite their best efforts, the Slovak Embassy in Budapest cannot seem to stay out of controversy. After their wrecking-ball former... 2023.07.17.
Hungarians Abroad Celebrating Pride Day The Hungarian American Civic Federation (Amerikai-Magyar Polgári Körök Szövetsége - AMPKSZ) has published its own version of celebrating Pride day.... 2023.07.16.