Defense Minister: “I want to build a combat-ready, serious army” "We have no more time left and no new chances to raise the defense capabilities of our country to the... 2023.05.23.
Defense Forces Celebrate 175th Anniversary The Hungarian Defense Forces are facing a historic opportunity to renew themselves and become a powerful and determined military force,... 2023.05.22.
New Chief of Staff Outlines Vision for the Hungarian Defense Forces The new Chief of the Hungarian Defense Staff has said that it is his duty to raise the level of... 2023.05.10.
Swedish Author Thinks Hungary and Turkey Should Be Kicked Out of NATO A prominent Swedish economist has expressed a shocking opinion on Twitter about NATO and its two members, Turkey and Hungary.... 2023.04.26.
Celebration of Defense Force Paratroopers In keeping with tradition, the Hungarian Defense Forces Joint Special Operations Command and the 1st Special Operations Brigade of the... 2023.04.04.
Military Development Program Aims to Restore Combat Effectiveness In the 21st century, the answers to the old questions are not the same, the Chief of the Defense Staff... 2023.03.23.
New Milestone Reached with Air Force’s State-of-the-Art Helicopters The Hungarian military type certification of the Airbus H225M medium transport helicopters has been completed, reported defense news website.... 2023.03.21.
Soldiers Perfect Shooting Technique during Firearms Exercise New foundations are being laid for practical weapons handling skills at the 30th Armored Kinizsi Pál Infantry Brigade of the... 2023.03.02.
President Novák Attends B9 Summit in Warsaw President of Hungary Katalin Novák attended the Bucharest Nine (B9) Summit of the Eastern European NATO member states in Warsaw... 2023.02.23.
Another Milestone in the Development of the Defense Industry Minister of Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky called the establishment of the French-Hungarian joint venture Satys PSP Hungary Zrt. in Gyula on... 2023.02.17.
Gidran Combat Vehicles Increase Operational Capabilities of Land Forces The Ejder Yalçın combat vehicle, known in Hungary as the Gidran, is part of the culture change and development program... 2023.02.06.
Defense Cooperation with Rheinmetall Is of Key Importance On Thursday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received Armin Papperger, CEO of the German defense and automotive giant Rheinmetall, at the... 2023.02.03.
Austria and Hungary on Common Ground Regarding the Ukraine War We live in an age of danger, so it is important that neighboring countries maintain their relations with each other:... 2023.01.31.
Hungary’s Military Spending to Reach 2 Percent of GDP Next Year Next year's budget will provide the resources to continue the modernization of the Hungarian Defense Forces, and Hungary's military expenditure... 2022.12.29.
Defense Minister Wants More Young People to Consider Military Careers Minister of Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky said at the 5th Bocskai István Rifle Brigade of the Hungarian Defense Forces in Debrecen... 2022.12.21.
New Ammunition Plant Opens West of the Capital Hungary is building a brave, innovative and high-tech army, the Minister of Defense said on Thursday at the groundbreaking ceremony... 2022.12.16.
Hungarian Military Contingent to Go to Iraq A Hungarian military contingent, partly made up of reservists, will begin a six-month tour of duty in Iraq; the 139... 2022.09.15.
Orbán’s Former Advisor: Introduction of Universal Conscription, Including for Women, Should Be Considered "We must continue reforms in the areas of health, education, and defense. We must reconsider the reintroduction of universal conscription... 2022.05.05.
Hungarian Man Prosecuted for Illegal Recruitment A Hungarian man residing in Somogy County has been charged with illegal recruitment by the Somogy County Prosecutor's Office. The... 2022.04.29.
Ipsos Survey: 90% of Hungarians Say Hungary Should Avoid Military Involvement in War Some 90% of Hungarians, the highest ratio found by the survey, say that their country should avoid military involvment in... 2022.04.21.
Hungary Can Now Purchase Most Modern German Rifle HX-3 In a post published Tuesday on High-Tech-Force, the official Facebook page of Gáspár Maróth, government commissioner for defense sector development,... 2022.04.14.