State-of-the-Art Armored Vehicle Joins Defense Forces Another Lynx KF41 infantry fighting vehicle has arrived from the German factory at the Kinizsi Pál 30th Armored Infantry Brigade... 2025.03.03.
Hungary at the Forefront of NATO in Defense Spending Only two Baltic countries have increased their military spending more than Hungary in the last 10 years. However, many NATO... 2025.02.25.
German-Hungarian Joint Venture to Support the Defense Forces KNDS Deutschland and the Hungarian company HM Currus Zrt. want to cooperate closely in the future, and have therefore founded... 2025.02.24.
Newest Helicopter of the Defense Forces Put to Test for the First Time In the second half of February, the rotary-wing aircraft of the Szolnok helicopter brigade will hold a capability maintenance shooting... 2025.02.22.
Defense Company Saab Opens Office in Budapest Defense and aerospace company Saab AB opened a new office in Budapest on February 18. In the future, the Hungarian... 2025.02.20.
Hungarian Command of the EUFOR Mission Proves Successful Hungarian soldiers have gained international appreciation and recognition for their work during the Hungarian command year of EUFOR Althea, Defense... 2025.02.18.
Territorial Defense Reservists Participate in Marksmanship Training The Commander of the Area Protection and Combat Support Command of the Hungarian Defense Forces told MTI on Saturday that... 2025.02.17.
State-of-the-Art Lynx Vehicles Carefully Loaded onto Wagons Fifteen Lynx KF41 armored infantry fighting vehicles and two ARV 3HU technician tractors were lined up at the loading area... 2025.02.09.
Soviet Tank Could Be Recovered from the Tisza River Over the past 80 years, multiple attempts were made to recover a T-34 Soviet tank that slipped into the Tisza... 2025.02.03.
Airforce Fighter Jets Say ‘Thank You’ to Comrades in Fly-past Pilots of the Szentgyörgyi Dezső 101st Airborne Brigade of the Hungarian Defense Forces conducted a year-end formation flight featuring ten... 2024.12.19.
Rare World War II Relic: Soviet-Era Propaganda Grenade Unearthed On the outskirts of Balkány (eastern Hungary), the Hungarian Defense Forces uncovered a rare artifact from the Second World War... 2024.12.16.
Wisent 2 and Leopard Tanks Boost Defense Capabilities On Wednesday, the Hungarian Defense Forces received its first Wisent 2 armored support vehicle at the barracks of the Klapka... 2024.12.12.
The Country Strengthens Defense and Secures NATO Commitments Minister of Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky outlined Hungary's defense strategy during his annual hearing before the National Assembly's Defense and Law... 2024.12.11.
Defense Spending Surpasses 2% NATO Requirement Hungary is a reliable ally, fulfilling its commitments, spending more than 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) on defense, while... 2024.12.06.
Military Power Grows with New Leopard 2A7HU Tanks "They have arrived and are serving the peace of the Hungarian people: new Leopard 2A7HU tanks are in Hungary's service!... 2024.12.05.
Defense Forces’ Fleet Expands with Further Airbus Helicopters Two more H225M multi-purpose helicopters has been delivered to the Hungarian Defense Forces from the Airbus Helicopters production center in... 2024.11.27.
Military Cadets Practice Survival Skills in the Wilderness Military Cadets participated in a survival training session in Nagyszállás (eastern Hungary), where they gained valuable practical skills, reports 2024.11.26.
Hungarian Soldiers Train Bosnian Mountain Rescuers In October this year, an agreement was reached on the assistance of EUFOR (European Union Force) and the Mountain Rescue... 2024.11.19.
Precision and Power: Defense Forces Hold Spectacular Live-firing Exercise An artillery live-firing exercise called Harci Szellem 2024 ("Battle Spirit 2024") was held at the Bakonykúti (western Hungary) firing range,... 2024.11.14.
Chiefs of General Staff of Hungary and North Macedonia Strengthen Ties The armies of North Macedonia and Hungary are set to deepen their cooperation following an official meeting between Major General... 2024.11.13.
Defense Forces Expand Capabilities with Newest Tanks, Howitzers and Choppers "The Hungarian Defense Forces are being developed and we are on the way to creating a fully rearmed, modern, new... 2024.11.07.