EU Member States Are Far from Consensus on Support for Ukraine EU Member States are far from consensus on support for Ukraine and the European security architecture. Moreover, this is not... 2025.02.26.
Draghi’s Assessment of the European Economy Calls for Radical Change Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (R) with Mario Draghi at the Budapest EU summit in November 2024 Mario Draghi, former... 2025.02.17.
Competitiveness Pact a Major Achievement of the Hungarian EU Presidency The most important achievement of the Hungarian EU Presidency is the adoption of the Competitiveness Pact, which will serve as... 2025.01.17.
Hungarian EU Presidency Has Overseen Historic Decisions János Bóka, Minister for European Union Affairs The Hungarian EU Presidency has worked through multiple crises within a transitional institutional... 2025.01.15.
Digitalization Program Launched to Support Small Businesses Hungary will launch a HUF 9B (EUR 23.4M) program called "Every Business Should Have Its Own Website" in February 2025,... 2024.12.11.
Government Launches HUF 15B Program to Support Large Companies’ R&D The government has launched a HUF 15B (EUR 40.5M) program to support large companies in developing new technologies, products, or... 2024.12.10.
German Car Factories Are Not Closing in Hungary, Stresses Viktor Orbán German car factories are not closing in Hungary, but are being upgraded, and the government is doing everything it can... 2024.12.06.
European Investment Bank Plays “Key Role” in Improving EU Competitiveness EIB President Nadia Calviño (L) and Hungary's Finance Minister Mihály Varga Hungary supports the acceleration of the European Investment Bank's... 2024.12.05.
“Hungary aims to be a catalyst for change,” Says EU Affairs Minister The Hungarian Presidency is not over yet, but its successes in the areas of competitiveness, integration of the Western Balkans,... 2024.12.03.
Budapest Declaration Could Help Improve European Competitiveness Minister for National Economy Márton Nagy at the COMPET meeting in Brussels Real steps must be taken next year to... 2024.11.29.
Hungary Advances Tax Competitiveness with New Measures for 2025 Hungary's tax system is progressing towards greater competitiveness, with further reductions in the tax burden planned for 2025, Finance Minister... 2024.11.20.
Foreign Partners’ Stability Is Key to Hungary’s Economic Outlook The German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DUIHK) presented its autumn business survey, highlighting challenges faced by the Hungarian economy... 2024.11.15.
The Budapest Declaration on Competitiveness Could Be a Turning Point The year, as a whole, shows that a new economic policy is needed; a policy of economic neutrality will eliminate... 2024.11.14.
Transition to Electromobility Cannot be Successful without Germany, Says Economy Minister A BYD Seal electric car at the opening of the Hungarian Battery Week conference E-Mobility Day at Hungexpo Budapest Congress... 2024.11.07.
EU Moves Forward on Digital Taxation amid Hungarian Push for Competitiveness The digital taxation package was discussed at an EU meeting, Minister Mihály Varga said in Brussels. He called the compromise... 2024.11.06.
Europe’s Role in the Global Economy Clearly Diminished, Says Finance Minister in Brussels Mihály Varga (C), Hungarian Finance Minister, chairing the meeting, with Thomas Westphal, Head of the European Policy Department (R) and... 2024.11.05.
Viktor Orbán Discusses European Competitiveness with French President French President Emmanuel Macron (R) receives Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in the Élysée Palace, Paris. The French President stressed... 2024.10.24.
“I am here to sound the alarm:” Viktor Orbán Presents EU Presidency Program “I am here to sound the alarm,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a meeting of the European Parliament in... 2024.10.09.
The EU’s Declining Competitiveness Is the Biggest Challenge, Says Viktor Orbán Viktor Orbán held a two-hour international press conference at the European Parliament on Tuesday afternoon, before officially presenting the program... 2024.10.09.
Hungarian EU Presidency Pushes Bold EU Competitiveness Overhaul At the Eurochambres meeting in Budapest, EU Affairs Minister János Bóka emphasized the importance of strengthening the European Union's competitiveness... 2024.09.26.
Hungary Urged to Chart Independent Economic Path Amid EU Challenges At a conference titled European Competitiveness, Hungarian Economic Neutrality, officials discussed Hungary's position within the European Union and its need... 2024.09.26.