Foreign Ministry Calls on Bratislava to Investigate Alleged Anti-Hungarian Attack On Friday evening, a 20-year-old man was attacked in Bratislava (Pozsony), Slovakia. It is very likely that he was attacked... 2025.03.05.
Hungarian Company to Build Hotel in Redeveloped Bratislava Harbor The Bratislava harbors will be significantly redeveloped, and now it has been revealed that Hungarian company Alfa is planning to... 2025.01.21.
Bratislava’s Hidden Streets Can Be Discovered in Hungarian Thematic Walks The Pozsonyi Kifli (“Bratislava Croissant”) Civic Association, which is dedicated to the history of Bratislava, is launching a series of... 2024.04.04.
Franz Schmidt: His Hungarian Roots and the Legacy of Late Romanticism 85 years ago, on February 11, 1939, Hungarian-born composer Franz Schmidt (b. 1874) passed away in Perchtoldsdorf near Vienna. A... 2024.02.11.