Erasmus: How Brussels ‘Deconstructs’ European Values In an opinion piece originally published in the European Conservative, French MEP Catherine Griset, a politician from the National Rally... 2025.02.27.
European Commission’s Blackmailing of Social Media Platform X “Violate EU Values” Kinga Gál, chair of the Fidesz Group in the European Parliament and vice-president of the Patriots for Europe (PfE), Tamás... 2024.07.29.
MEP Considers the European Parliament’s Resolution as “Political Blackmail” "Another shameful resolution condemning Hungary has been adopted by the Soros-sympathizing majority in the European Parliament," said Balázs Hidvéghi, Fidesz... 2024.01.19.
Gov’t Still Backs Roma Commissioner Despite New Recordings Surfacing Another new recording emerged in which government commissioner for Roma relations, Attila Sztojka, can be heard once again promising benefits... 2022.01.14.