Leading Feed Producer to Invest HUF 20B in Kazakhstan UBM, Hungary's leading feed producer and one of the largest feed materials traders, plans to continue its expansion in Kazakhstan... 2024.07.04.
Harvesting Begins across the Country, Watch out on the Roads Harvesting is underway throughout the country, meaning that there are more agricultural machinery on the road, requiring increased attention from... 2024.06.29.
V4 Chambers of Agriculture Urge Brussels to Change Direction Radical change is needed in the European Union's agricultural policy, otherwise the EU's agriculture will face a hopeless situation, the... 2024.06.25.
Government Accelerates Cooperation with United Arab Emirates Hungary and the United Arab Emirates are ready to further develop their relations, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter... 2024.06.21.
This Year’s Watermelon Season Promises an Excellent Harvest Watermelon season will start earlier this year, partly due to the good weather and partly due to improvements made by... 2024.06.18.
Agriculture Minister Calls for Farmer-centered Agriculture in the EU Competitiveness, crisis management, sustainability, and the knowledge-based economy will be on the agenda of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council... 2024.05.28.
New Agricultural Support to Boost Innovation and Rejuvenate the Sector The economic situation is difficult; therefore, Hungarian agriculture not only needs support, but also a vision for the future, said... 2024.05.22.
Famous Tokaj Wine Cheaper Abroad than Back Home In the first two months of this year, the average selling price of wines produced and sold domestically rose by... 2024.05.21.
Minister of Agriculture: Innovation and Digitalization Are Key to Food Security Drones are also used in agriculture. Hungary is committed to agricultural digitalization, promoting stability and predictability in food production. By... 2024.05.16.
Government Introduces New Measure to Help Farmers A government decree has been published, stating that from May 1, 2024, the refundable tax on diesel used in agriculture... 2024.05.10.
Community Supported Agriculture Model Growing in Popularity Although not yet well known, the so-called Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model has emerged and is spreading in Hungary, Világgazdaság... 2024.04.29.
Government to Protect Domestic Food Industry with Tougher Regulations The government's 2030 Competitiveness Strategy promises "soft protectionist" measures to protect domestic food companies. This also means that the authorities... 2024.04.15.
New Package of Agricultural Measures Announced at the Government Press Briefing On Thursday, a government briefing was held, attended by Gergely Gulyás, Minister responsible for the Prime Minister’s office, Eszter Vitályos,... 2024.04.11.
EU Agricultural Support Criteria Increasingly Strict due to Green Transition Policy As the last stage of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) forum series in Tolna County (central Hungary), an agricultural... 2024.04.11.
Pálinka Is Part of Our National Identity and Culture, Says Agriculture Minister Pálinka (fruit brandy) is one of the trademarks of Hungary, which has been a true national treasure for centuries, binding... 2024.04.08.
New Opportunities Emerge in Hungarian-Moldovan Agricultural Relations "The two countries have great investment opportunities ahead of them, and it is therefore in Hungary's vital interest that Moldova... 2024.04.05.
Food Prices Could Rise at a Slower Pace than Inflation this Year The rise in food prices is no longer pushing up inflation this year, but holding it back, claim analysts at... 2024.04.04.
Biggest Agricultural Firm Reaches Huge Financial Success One of Hungary's largest agricultural groups achieved notable financial results in the first six months of the 2023-2024 fiscal year,... 2024.04.03.
Minister of Agriculture Criticizes EU Green Ideology The Minister of Agriculture, speaking in Brussels, criticized the extreme green ideology imposed on European agriculture, arguing that it hinders... 2024.03.27.
New Support Program to Help Hungarian Beekeepers More than HUF 3 billion (EUR 7.6 million) is available for Hungarian beekeepers under the latest support program for the... 2024.03.27.
Domestic Greenhouse Tomatoes and Peppers Taking Over Grocery Shelves Dynamic developments have been made in recent years in the domestic greenhouse vegetable sector, mainly to improve production efficiency and... 2024.03.13.