Never in peace time has such a major energy infrastructure been attacked like the gas pipeline under the sea.Continue reading
Almost two-thirds of EU citizens are concerned that more than a year and a half later, there is still no meaningful result from investigations into the attack on the EU’s critical infrastructure, according to the results of the Hungarian-based thinktank, Századvég’s Europe Project survey.
In February, Sweden and Denmark closed investigations into the 2022 sabotage attack on the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Only Germany is now conducting an official investigation, but the government has no interest in naming those responsible, according to the German press.
How concerned are you about the lack of results regarding the investigation into the Nord Stream pipeline explosion? Red: Worried / Green: Not worried / Grey: Do not know. Graphics: Századvég
In a recent development, China has launched an international investigation, and former CIA expert Larry C. Johnson told the UN Security Council that NATO countries are following a “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” policy.
The blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline caused serious economic damage to both Germany and the European Union,
claims the Századvég study. The fact that after nineteen months the perpetrators have still not been brought to justice sets an unfavorable precedent, suggesting that an action against the EU on such a scale can be allowed to go unpunished. Moreover, the lack of clarity creates an opportunity for other countries to use the media to shape public opinion according to their own political interests.
How concerned are you about the lack of results in the investigation into the Nord Stream pipeline explosion? (Breakdown by countries) – Red: Worried / Green: Not worried. Graph: Századvég
According to the results of the Századvég Europe Project research, the majority of EU citizens are aware of these risks, while 63% are also concerned that the investigation is still inconclusive.
A comparison between Member States shows that only Finland has a majority of people who are not concerned about the length of investigations. In contrast, Greeks (75%), Hungarians (74%), and Portuguese (72%) are most concerned about the incident. It is also worth noting that in Germany, where the investigation is still ongoing, 71% are concerned about the lack of results, while in Denmark and Sweden, where the investigation has been closed without naming those responsible, 65% and 58%, respectively, are concerned.
Via Századvég; Featured Image: Facebook / Energiaügyi Minisztérium