The reason for the inflation is the negative impact of the coronavirus on the world's economy, reduced production capacities, as well as problems in logistics. In addition, there is the loss of the forint against the euro.Continue reading
The average Hungarian is planning to buy Christmas presents for 59,000 forints (EUR 162) this year, according to a Telenor survey published on Friday.
According to the representative survey, mostly clothes, electronics products, and toys will be under the Christmas tree, followed by vouchers and pre-paid holidays.
Fully 47 percent of respondents will spend the holidays in a close family circle, while 44 percent is planning on larger parties.
The report said that while last year 44 percent of respondents had voiced concern about the coronavirus pandemic and said they would meet fewer people during the holidays, that ratio has now been reduced to 11 percent.
featured image illustration via Péter Komka/MTI