The NGOs argue that the referendum's outcome is clear: people are fed up and don't want any of the government's exclusionary and hate campaigns.Continue reading
The Kúria, Hungary’s supreme court, on Wednesday turned down an appeal by civil rights group Hatter against a fine the National Election Committee (NVB) had imposed for Háttér’s encouraging voters to turn in invalid answers to questions in a recent referendum on child protection regulations.
The NVB imposed a fine of 3 million forints (EUR 7,900) on Háttér saying that such activites were an “abuse” of the law.
In its appeal against the fine, Háttér insisted that their campaign aimed at making the referendum invalid had been legitimate since under the law, casting an invalid ballot was not illegal.
The Kúria turned the appeal down citing a lack of arguments.
featured image illustration via György Varga/MTI