Applications for the Voluntary Military Service are open until the end of August.Continue reading
The Hungarian Defense Forces welcomed around 4,000 new soldiers in 2023, announced Defense Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky. “The efforts made during the year and the outstanding success of the national recruitment campaign show that interest in the military career remains strong and growing,” he said.
The national recruitment campaign launched at the beginning of the year, during which the Hungarian Defense Forces appeared on a number of platforms, reached a wide range of prospective soldiers through online and offline media, as well as through school presentations, reports honvedelem.hu.
During the year, the website iranyasereg.hu was visited more than 500,000 times, recruiters received more than 42,000 calls, and recruitment office visits increased significantly,
the Minister said.
Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky noted that one of the highlights of the year was the period from early August to mid-September, when some 1,500 new soldiers joined the Hungarian Defense Forces. The significant success of the “Man for Iron” campaign is demonstrated by the fact that during this period, from September 11-12, more than 500 recruits enlisted, mainly to the 30th Armored Infantry Brigade of the MH Kinizsi Pál Battalion, equipped with Lynx combat vehicles, as well as to the Voluntary Military Service and basic training courses organized in other garrisons.
The Lynx combat vehicle. Photo: Honvedelem.hu
The figure of 4,000 includes all enlistments: reservists, contract soldiers, and those starting non-commissioned officer and officer training. Recruitment successes include the fact that this year more than 200 young people started their studies in the military courses of the Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training at the National University of Public Service, the Defense Minister said.
Photo: Facebook/honvedelem.hu
He added that the “Man for Iron” recruitment campaign is continuing, with the second phase of the Ministry of Defense targeting prospective operators of the PzH 2000 self-propelled guns, which are the renewed artillery, and 149 have already applied. He emphasized that this fine task is accompanied by a good salary: all soldiers who are fit for duty can expect a gross entry salary of HUF 737,000 (EUR 1,930) for the February 12 induction into the artillery division of the MH Klapka György 1st Armored Brigade in Tata.
Via honvedelem.hu, Featured image: Facebook/honvedelem.hu