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Another Lynx KF41 infantry fighting vehicle has arrived from the German factory at the Kinizsi Pál 30th Armored Infantry Brigade of the Hungarian Defense Forces in Hódmezővásárhely (southeastern Hungary), the Minister of Defense announced on Facebook.

“More and more countries are interested in these vehicles and are buying them,” wrote Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky. He added: “We made the right decision to become not only a customer but also a manufacturer of this combat vehicle.”

Parallel to the arrival of the new Lynx, the combat vehicles already in the Defense Forces’ possession did not rest. The Lynx KF-41s will be in Táborfalva for three weeks, where the soldiers of the Kinizsi Pál 30th Armored Infantry Brigade will conduct dynamic and static live-fire exercises, honvedelem.hu reports.

Today, virtually every modern European army is renewing its fleet of troop transport and infantry fighting vehicles, writes the portal.

Hungary is no exception, having opted for the German Rheinmetall Landsysteme Lynx KF41.

A three-man crew (commander, gunner, driver) is required to operate the 49-ton, 8.49-meter-long, 3.8-meter-wide and 3.73-meter-tall Lynx KF41, and eight additional infantry soldiers can be transported in the fighting compartment, although the number of seats can be increased by one through a minor modification.

The designers attached great importance to increased protection for the passengers. The front armor resists fire from a 30-millimeter automatic cannon, while the side protection is effective against armor-piercing ammunition from 14.5-millimeter heavy machine guns and fragments from 155-millimeter artillery shells striking at a distance of more than 25 meters from the vehicle.

In addition, the Lynx remains operational if a 10-kilogram mine explodes under its bottom armor.

The vehicle can be fitted with additional armor of various types and protection capabilities, although the limitations imposed by its overall weight must of course be taken into account. The Lynx’s passive protection systems also include specially designed seats for the crew and gunners, attached to the roof armor of the tracks to reduce the destructive effect of mines and improvised explosive devices. The combat vehicle is air-conditioned and its filter system can protect the occupants from contamination by chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

Italian Army Tests Lynx Armored Vehicle Produced in Hungary
Italian Army Tests Lynx Armored Vehicle Produced in Hungary

The Lynx is an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) developed by Germany's Rheinmetall in recent years.Continue reading

Via honvedelem.hu, Featured image: honvedelem.hu

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