With this instrument, the aim is to promote the protection of Hungarian quality honey against cheap imports.Continue reading
It is possible to adopt several hives from a beekeeper in Harta (central Hungary), which not only ensures the annual supply of honey, but also gives the customer an insight into the whole process of honey making, from pollination to spraying.
Although the 1.2 million hives of 20,000 Hungarian beekeepers produce 25,000 tons of honey a year, the annual per capita honey consumption in Hungary is only one kilogram. Imported honey-like products, mainly from outside Europe, not only fool consumers, who only get products containing honey instead of real honey, but also put domestic beekeepers in an impossible situation, as they are squeezed out of the market.
The crisis on the honey market could be avoided, as high quality honey is available in Hungary at very reasonable prices,
says the Brancs online community marketplace, launching a special domestic honey campaign.
Photo via Facebook/Országos Magyar Méhészeti Egyesület OMME
As Világgazdaság reports, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agricultural Marketing Center, and the Hungarian Bee-keeping Association launched a campaign to promote Hungarian honey in November. At the same time, Hungary’s first online community marketplace (Brancs) launched the “Real Honey Experience” campaign in the middle of the month, where customers can not only order honey from the apiary of Soma István Frei of Harta, who has more than 30 years of experience, but can also adopt several hives, thus becoming an active part of the whole honey-making process, from pollination to spraying.
The aim of Soma Apiary is not only to get more Hungarian households to enjoy good quality honey from Hungary, but also to share with the public the experience it has gained over decades of caring for hundreds of hives every year.
Soma István Frei’s apiary produces a wide range of honey, including acacia honey, rapeseed honey, mixed flower honey, linden honey, cream honey, and sunflower honey. Their honey products include beeswax candles, honey soap, and mead.
Anyone who buys honey from Soma’s and adopts a beehive will also receive a special beekeeping experience. Not only will the person receive at least 20 kilos of fresh, local honey, but they will also have their own personal “bee channel” with photos and videos of the hive and the bees.
The campaign will also raise awareness of the importance of bee care and beekeeping for the preservation of the environment and food security. The most essential work of these beneficial insects is to pollinate flowers and ensure biodiversity and genetic diversity, as well as producing honey, propolis, beeswax, and royal jelly.
Hungary is a European power in honey production.
The health benefits of honey are unquestionable: it strengthens the immune system, is rich in antioxidants (reducing the risk of many diseases), and has antibacterial properties (it can suppress the growth and multiplication of bacteria).
Honey can taste pleasantly aromatic and sweet, but also sour and slightly scratchy. Its texture and color can vary – it can be thick, runny, dilute, or crystalline – depending on the plants from which the bees have collected the nectar. The color can range from transparent to dark brown.
Via Világgazdaság, Featured image via Facebook/Országos Magyar Méhészeti Egyesület OMME