The government set the goal of rearming the Hungarian defense forces by relying specifically on European suppliers.Continue reading
New foundations are being laid for practical weapons handling skills at the 30th Armored Kinizsi Pál Infantry Brigade of the Hungarian Defense Forces. This time, the brigade’s firearms trainers learned precise handling and quick weapon change at the firing range, Honvédelem.hu reported.
The series of sessions was aimed at improving the marksmanship skills of the squad and platoon commanders of the Hódmezővásárhely unit, which allowed the brigade’s trainers to deepen and build on their previously acquired knowledge. The soldiers who took part in the training were able to learn from instructors who have decades of counter-terrorism experience in the police force.
The training was conducted over five days, starting with pistol and then machine-gun shooting exercises, progressing from simple to more complex tasks. The final part of the session was a test of all skills, where the soldiers had to overcome obstacles by alternating between machine rifle and pistol. The servicemen were using their newly introduced weapons from the renowned Czech manufacturer Ceská Zbrojovka; the CZ P09 pistols, and the CZ Bren II Assault rifle, currently both assembled in Hungary.
The main emphasis of the training was on correct weapon handling and conscious, safe execution. One of the greatest measures of this was a steady and consistent spread pattern, which shows that the same sequence of movements is performed in the same way several times in succession, building this process into the soldier’s muscle memory.
Photo: honvédelem.hu
The knowledge acquired by firearms instructors will soon be reflected in the training of the soldiers they train, so that the ability to handle weapons accurately, quickly, and safely becomes a basic skill as soon as possible.
Featured photo via Honvédelem.hu