There are currently 2,500 human smugglers from 73 countries being held in Hungarian prisons.Continue reading
The police tried to stop a car on the M5 motorway in Bács-Kiskun County, on the side leading to Budapest, but the driver did not stop, probably due to the fact that he was carrying illegal migrants. As a result of the accident, the affected side of the motorway was closed and traffic was stopped.
The vehicle eventually stopped because it crashed into a tree, killing one person and leaving others with serious or minor injuries. The car was carrying seven foreigners, who were Turkish, Chechen, and Indian nationals. The victim was a 21 year old Turkish man. After the accident, the driver, who was a 36 year old Moldovan man, fled the scene, however, police found him later, unconscious and about a kilometer from the scene.
Hardly a month goes by in Hungary without news of a road accident involving migrants and human smugglers. It is also common for the smuggler who causes the accident to flee the scene, but the police typically apprehend them within a short time.
In the latest case, a car chase took place in December in Budapest on the Buda side. Patrol officers wanted to check the driver of a van with Polish plates on M1 motorway near the capital, but he did not stop at police’s signal and continued driving towards Budapest.
During the car chase in the capital, the driver hit several cars, including a police cruiser.
The man turned out to be a Georgian national who was a human smuggler, and 35 illegal migrants were found in the van’s cargo hold. Fortunately, the incident did not result in any fatalities.
However, in another accident in Hungary in September, four migrants died after a car drove into the riverbed from a bridge near Kapuvár in Western Hungary. Earlier in August, three people were killed and eleven injured in an accident near Bócsa, 120 kilometers south of the Hungarian capital. The driver was a Georgian national who did not give way at an intersection and collided with another car, after which the vehicles caught on fire.
Meanwhile, the number of illegal border crossers is constantly increasing, and in 2022, authorities apprehended 269,254 migrants, an average of 738 people a day.
Featured photo via police.hu