President Tamás Sulyok praised the physicist for remaining Hungarian abroad, and for his responsibility for Hungarian science.Continue reading
Semmelweis University has forged a close relationship with Ferenc Krausz, 2023 Nobel Prize winner in Physics, with the establishment of a new joint institute from December 1, the Budapest medical university announced.
At the Neumann János Institute of Data Science, the medical and diagnostic application of infrared molecular fingerprinting will be further researched by the Center for Molecular Fingerprinting (CMF), led by physicist Ferenc Krausz, and Semmelweis University.
The ultimate goal of the research is to diagnose diseases at an early stage with a simple blood test and at the same time to select the optimal personalized treatment,”
the statement cites Dr. Béla Merkely, the university’s rector, as saying. The CMF, headed by Ferenc Krausz, was acquired by the Foundation for National Health Care and Medical Education (NEOA), the maintainer of Semmelweis University, on January 1, 2024.
The Neumann János Data Science Institute will focus on five research areas:
The CMF’s activities focus on the application of ultrafast measurement techniques to medical diagnostics.
The Center’s infrared molecular fingerprinting technology can help in the early diagnosis of tumors and other serious diseases (such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases) and can contribute to the initiation of personalized treatments for a complete recovery.
The CMF’s work includes several medical research programs in which Semmelweis University has been a collaborative partner in the past. Among these, “Lasers for Life,” focusing on cardiovascular diseases, has been carried out since 2020, in collaboration with the CMF, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) in Garching (Germany), with the exclusive participation of the Semmelweis University’s Heart and Vascular Center.
The newly prepared CMF program will investigate the importance of molecular fingerprinting in lung cancer diagnostics. The mission of the newly established Neumann János Institute of Data Science is to integrate the new molecular fingerprinting and profiling technique into healthcare datasets, reads the statement.
This would enable comprehensive assessment of human health and early detection of conditions leading to serious chronic conditions.
“We believe and trust that there are tremendous synergies between Semmelweis University and the CMF, and that thanks to these synergies we will be able to carry out internationally renowned research at the new institute that will be of great importance for the future of both institutions,” said Krausz, who attended the meeting of the Senate of Semmelweis University.
Via MTI, Featured image: Facebook/Semmelweis Egyetem