More than 1,500 people have applied to become border hunters so far, and 500 of them have signed contracts.Continue reading
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán emphasized the importance of stopping illegal migration at the oath-taking ceremony of border hunters.
“You have the whole country behind you and it is your task to protect the motherland against migration,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a ceremony held in Budapest on Friday on the occasion of the establishment of the border hunters regiment.
Viktor Orbán told the border hunters taking their oaths: „we respect your determination, courage and the fact that you agreed to carry out this task, we appreciate the service that you perform in the interest of our country”. „Security begins at our borders, and Hungary’s security begins with the border hunters,” he stressed.
According to the Prime Minister, „regardless of the obstacles that may tower before us, we must never give up the goal of making Hungary Europe’s safest country”. „This goal is threatened by migration, and warding off the dangers that arise from this threat continues to remain a primary responsibility for Hungary,” Viktor Orbán stressed, reminding his audience that „since 2015 millions have arrived illegally in Europe from Africa and the Middle East in complete disregard for borders and laws”.
„The Hungarian border protection system works, withstands the waves of illegal migration, the police officers and soldiers serving at the border stood their ground and protected the security of the country. However, life has taken a turn and their service is now required elsewhere, this is why the Hungarian border hunter regiment has been established,” he explained.
The Prime Minister said that Hungarians are now compelled to face multiple challenges all at once such as the war, the energy crisis and the Brussels sanctions. Viktor Orbán said the Hungarian people want “Hungary to remain a Hungarian country,” however, ever more people want to cross the country’s borders.
Photos via MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Fischer Zoltán