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Schengen Fiasco Prompts Criticism from Romanian-Hungarian Party

MTI-Hungary Today 2022.12.12.
romania schengen

The policies of Romania’s government have been sharply criticized by a party representing the Hungarian minority in Transylvania. According to EMSZ, the political elite was responsible for the fact that the country’s accession to the Schengen area had once again failed.

The Hungarian Association of Transylvania (EMSZ) called the Romanian population’s outrage at the veto by Austria and the Netherlands of Romania and Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen area at the European Union’s Justice and Home Affairs Council on Thursday understandable. The party was formed by the merger of the Hungarian People’s Party of Transylvania (EMNP) and the Hungarian Civic Party (MPP) in early November.

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In a statement, they stressed that

the political elite in Bucharest also bears a considerable responsibility for the failure.

According to the party, if Romania “had invested half as much energy in the actual implementation of the much talked about and desired Western integration” as it did in its efforts “aimed at uniting Moldova with Romania”, it would have a better chance of becoming a full member of the Schengen area”. EMSZ accused the Romanian government of using billions of taxpayers’ money to pursue its goal of territorial annexation.

“The anti-Hungarianism that has become state policy, the incitement of the Romanian president against our community, and the continuous and planned attacks on Hungarians in Transylvania are also signs that Romania is not ready to join the Schengen area,” they added.

The failure to join the Schengen area is a serious lesson learned and an abject failure of the Romanian foreign ministry, despite Romania’s efforts to present itself as a model country and the most reliable ally, the statement adds. In the view of EMSZ, it would be reasonable to expect Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu to take responsibility.

Featured photo via Twitter/ROINTEL

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