Roland Jakab has been appointed CEO of the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Network by Balázs Gulyás, president of the group. In addition to his new position, Mr. Jakab will also retain his membership on the HUN-REN Governing Board.
The transformation of the HUN-REN governing body into a central one started on January 1. The new center, under the leadership of the new CEO, is working to move up a level in the support of research sites and become a true hub, relieving researchers of administrative and bureaucratic tasks in areas such as monitoring, assessing, and exploiting innovation potential, communication, and management.
The appointed CEO stressed that he is honored to be in charge of the process of upgrading, also marked by its transformation into a center. He added that the subject of their R&D (Research and Development), artificial intelligence, as “like many other areas, will fundamentally change the world of research, and we will, therefore,
immediately start to develop a comprehensive AI strategy for HUN-REN.
It is a technological revolution that represents both a huge development opportunity for those who recognize its importance in time and a huge risk of falling behind for those who do not.”
Among its goals is to make AI a priority not only in research but also in science management, relieving scientists of significant administrative and other burdens.
As previously reported at HUN-REN’s Wigner Research Center for Physics, a measurement method combining quantum technology and machine learning with artificial intelligence is being developed for use in quantum microscopes in both scientific and industrial settings.
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President Balázs Gulyás identified the strengthening of HUN-REN’s scientific and innovation capabilities in international competition and the enhancement of its social, economic, and intellectual impact by integrating research and innovation results into the value chain as a priority. In the autumn of 2023, the preparation of a comprehensive evaluation process of the network’s research sites began, which will inform the decisions leading to HUN-REN becoming the flagship of the government’s János Neumann Program and contributing to improving Hungary’s international position in terms of scientific and innovation performance.
Over the past 23 years, Roland Jakab has held a number of national and regional management positions at Ericsson Hungary in the fields of corporate management, strategy, and RDI. During his professional corporate career, he has played a leading role in the introduction of several technological innovations (3G, 4G, 5G) and the dissemination of high-tech research and development in Hungary.
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Via MTI; Featured Image: