People still queueing at voting stations when the polls closed could still cast their vote.Continue reading
By 6:30pm on Sunday, 67.06 percent of Hungary’s voters, 5,159,496 people, had cast their ballots in the referendum concerning Hungary’s child-protection law, the National Election Office (NVI) said.
Turnout at 6:30pm was highest (71.62%) in Vas County, in western Hungary, and lowest (61.35%) in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, in the north. Turnout in Budapest was 71.75 percent.
67.8 percent of Hungary’s voters, 5,216,424 people, had cast their ballots in the general election, the National Election Office (NVI) said.
Turnout at 6:30pm was highest (72.49pc) in Vas County, in western Hungary, and lowest (62.19pc) in Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, in the north. Turnout in Budapest was 72.35 percent.
Turnout at 6:30pm in the last general election four years ago was 68.13 percent.
Featured photo illustration by Gábor Kiss/MTI