The head of state met Emmanuel Macron and Giorgia Meloni at the summit. Continue reading
Hungarian President Katalin Novák told the Council of Europe (CoE) summit in Reykjavík on Wednesday that as a Christian conservative politician, her most important task is to seek the possibility of a fair peace to end the war in Ukraine.
“Russia’s insane decision of attacking Ukraine, the direct neighbor to Hungary, turned our world upside down. Therefore, we need to take a unified and firm position. The armed attack and aggression against the sovereign state is unacceptable,” Novák stressed in her speech. “War crimes must be investigated. War criminals need to face the might of the justice system,” she added.
“The Council of Europe is at the forefront in the protection and promotion of human rights and has done a great deal to facilitate respect for democracy, human rights, and fundamental liberties over the last decades. That is why
this is a proper time and place to formulate a strong message, the message of the right to peace,”
Novák argued.
According to the closing document of the summit, the heads of state and government decided to establish a “Register of damage caused by the Russian Federation’s aggression as a first step towards an international compensation mechanism.” The majority, but not all of the member states and observer states joined this element of the declaration. Among the EU member states, Hungary was the only country that did not indicate its support, news site HVG noticed.
Featured photo via Facebook/Novák Katalin