According to the Hungarian Head of State, the meeting with Elon Musk "has given us a new ally in the fight for family freedom."Continue reading
Based on preliminary data, 7,089 children were born and 10,706 people died in October, reports Magyar Nemzet. Compared to October last year, the number of births fell by 5.9 percent, deaths by 6.7 percent, and marriages by 9.6 percent. The natural population decline has slowed down, the Central Statistical Office emphasized.
In October, 7,089 children were born, 5.9 percent (444) fewer than a year earlier. A total of 10,706 people died, 6.7 percent (769) fewer than in October 2022. The natural death rate was 3,617 in contrast to 3,942 in October 2022.
It was also reported that 4,261 couples married in October, 9.6 percent (451) fewer than in October 2022.
Between January and October, 71,778 babies were born, 2.7 percent (1,999) fewer than January-October 2022. Within this, the number of live births was 7.7 percent higher in January-March, 2.1 percent lower in April, 9.3 percent lower from May-June, and 6 percent lower from July-October compared to the same months in 2022. The estimated total fertility rate per woman is 1.52, compared to 1.53 a year earlier.
Between January and October, 104,404 deaths occurred, 7.5 percent (8,451) fewer than a year earlier. The number of deaths was 11 percent lower between January-February, 4.2 percent lower from March-June, and 8.7 percent lower from July-October than in the same period a year earlier, the Statistical Office noted.
The number of deaths fell more than births, resulting in a natural decrease of 32,626 deaths, 17 percent lower than the 39,078 deaths from January-October 2022.
During this period, 44,372 couples married, 24 percent (13,633) fewer than a year earlier. There were 45 fewer marriages registered during January-February, 31 from March-April, 23 from May-August, and 9.7 percent fewer during September-October than in the same months of 2022.
The figures show nine live births and 13.1 deaths per thousand inhabitants. The live birth rate was 0.2 thousandths of a point lower and the death rate 0.9 thousandths of a point lower than during January-October 2022, resulting in a reduction in the natural decrease. From January-October of this year, there were 3.1 infant deaths per thousand live births, 0.3 thousandths of a point lower than in the same period last year.
The marriage rate was 5.6 thousandths, 1.6 thousandths of a point lower than a year earlier.
The data shows that 86,492 children were born between November 2022 and October 2023, 2,535 fewer than in the previous 12 months, a decrease of 2.8 percent. During this period, 127,995 deaths occurred, 17,086 fewer than in the previous 12 months.
They added that 50,334 couples married, 15,892 fewer than in the previous 12 months, down 24 percent.
Via Magyar Nemzet, Featured image via Pixabay