The Holy Father will meet with Hungarian President Katalin Novák and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.Continue reading
If you come to Hungary, you will see a country where Christian faith is visible, stated the ambassador, adding that
The Hungarian constitution begins with the word ‘God.’ We begin our constitution with the first words of our anthem, which is ‘God bless the Hungarian.’ This is a clear sign that faith defines Hungary. This Christian identity is very visible, said Eduard Habsburg.
He continued by saying that he would like the wonderful history of friendship between Pope Francis and the Hungarian people to continue. He expressed his hopes that Pope Francis will fire up the faith in Hungary even more, as he did the last time he came. And… he wished him to be able to enjoy a good glass of Tokaji wine at some point during his visit.
“When I met him for the first time, he asked me: do you know what the most sacred symbol of Hungary is?’ And I said, “What is it?,” expecting him to say, the crown of Saint Stephen. And he said, “the Tokaji wine!” So I hope Pope Francis will also enjoy the Hungarian side of Hungary while he stays there.”