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PM Viktor Orbán to Hold Talks With President Macron in Paris

MTI-Hungary Today 2024.06.26.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will held talks with President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée Palace, in Paris on Wednesday, according to the Prime Minister’s press chief Bertalan Havasi.

The two leaders reviewed the objectives of Hungary’s six-month EU presidency, starting on July 1st. According to information published on the website of the French Head of State’s office, the meeting started at 1:00 PM.

Photo: MTI / Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda / Fischer Zoltán

The Hungarian Prime Minister met Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni in Rome on Tuesday,

where they discussed, the Russian-Ukrainian war and Hungary’s EU presidency program. On Friday last week, the Hungarian Prime Minister held talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on European affairs and German-Hungarian bilateral relations.

In a related development, the Hungarian Prime Minister has also scheduled a meeting with French conservative politician Marine Le Pen during his visit to Paris.

Photo: MTI / Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda / Fischer Zoltán

This meeting highlights Viktor Orbán’s ongoing efforts to strengthen ties with key political figures across Europe as he prepares for Hungary’s EU presidency. These discussions with European leaders come at a critical time as Hungary gears up to take on the rotating presidency of the EU Council, facing significant challenges such as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the broader implications for EU policy and relations.

Viktor Orbán Discusses EU Presidency Program with Italian PM in Rome
Viktor Orbán Discusses EU Presidency Program with Italian PM in Rome

The heads of government also announced a new area of cooperation between Italy and Hungary.Continue reading

Via MTI; Fetured Image: Photo: MTI / Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda / Fischer Zoltán

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