In his opinion, Hungary will not be sovereign as long as liberal hegemony dominates public thinking.Continue reading
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has congratulated party leader Geert Wilders on his victory in the early parliamentary elections held in the Netherlands on Wednesday.
Based on polls of voters, the anti-migration Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Wilders could be the largest party in the lower house of the Dutch parliament. The PVV could win 35 of the 150 seats, almost double the current 18. Projections show that a coalition led by former EU commissioner Frans Timmermans, the GroenLinks and the Labor Party (GL–PvdA), came second with 26 seats, nine more than the current total of the two parties.
However, acting Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s party, the VVD (People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy), is likely to see its seats fall from 34 to 23.
Pieter Omtzigt’s newly formed New Social Contract (NSC) party could win around 20 seats in the parliament’s lower house.
Netherlands, national parliament election:
95.5% counted
PVV→ID: 23.4% (+12.6)
GL/PvdA-G/EFA|S&D: 15.6% (+4.7)
VVD-RE: 15.0% (-6.9)
NSC→EPP: 12.8% (new)
D66-RE: 6.2% (-8.8)
BBB-*: 4.7% (+3.7)
…vs. +/- 2021 election
➤ https://t.co/dz1X5eQdmV#verkiezingen2023 pic.twitter.com/YZ9t7H1QAJ
— Europe Elects (@EuropeElects) November 23, 2023
Geert Wilders said after the exit poll results were published that he would “give the Netherlands back to the Dutch.” “We have to find a way to live up to the hopes of our voters and put the Dutch back in the first place. It is time for the parties to look for agreements,” he emphasized.
Polls in the Netherlands closed at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, but voting in the Dutch Caribbean continued for another five hours, and postal votes from expatriates will be counted for days.
PVV GROOTSTE PARTIJ ❤️ pic.twitter.com/oMANVYvGjy
— Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) November 22, 2023
In a telephone conversation on Wednesday evening, Viktor Orbán stressed it was important for him to be among the first to congratulate Geert Wilders on his “earthquake-like” election victory.
The Hungarian Prime Minister wished him good luck and perseverance in the political negotiations in the coming period.
Earlier, in a post on social networking site X (formerly Twitter), the prime minister wrote: “The winds of change are here! Congratulations to Geert Wilders on winning the Dutch elections.”
The winds of change are here! Congratulations to @geertwilderspvv on winning the Dutch elections! pic.twitter.com/yh9LVcuP5J
— Orbán Viktor (@PM_ViktorOrban) November 22, 2023
Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó also congratulated the Dutch politician in a Facebook post, emphasizing that: “Another country has said a clear no to illegal migration. We hope that the Hague is close enough to Brussels that they hear it from there.”
According to the exit poll, the composition of the 150-seat parliament could look like this:
Via MTI, Featured image via Twitter/Geert Wilders