Total consumption was 3,916 million liters last year.Continue reading
According to the watchdog, holtankoljak.hu, fuel prices will rise from Wednesday, albeit not drastically. For petrol, the wholesale price will rise by HUF 4 gross, while car owners will have to pay HUF 5 gross more for diesel from mid-week, reports Világgazdaság.
The change in wholesale prices is likely to bring the same increase in retail prices. So vehicle owners could face a similar pace of price rises at petrol stations.
Therefore, the average prices at the wells in the middle of the week are as follows:
It is important to stress, however, that these are average prices, which may vary by HUF 10-20 (1 EUR= 383 HUF) per liter at individual stations.
Last week, a liter of petrol cost HUF 24 more and a liter of diesel HUF 28 more than a week earlier. True, much of this is due to last Monday’s mandatory HUF 21 increase in excise duty.
So far in January overall, the wholesale price of diesel has jumped by HUF 41 per liter and petrol by HUF 45 per liter,
but HUF 41 of that is due to the excise tax increase.
The current increase is also somewhat surprising, because Brent oil opened and closed the week at USD 78. This would have led to a preliminary expectation that there would be no significant change in fuel prices this week. So for the time being, there will be a gross increase between HUF 4 and 5, but on Wednesday another decision will be made on the new fuel prices, which will come into effect on Friday.
The current increase may be explained by the trend in the forint exchange rate that weakened against the dollar last week, from HUF 345 to 350. All in all, this could justify a price increase of a few forints.
Via Világgazdaság; Featured image via Pixabay