Péter Róna, United for Hungary’s presidential candidate, has issued a statement on the Russian attack that started on Thursday morning. He said it was clear how damaging Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s actions were, which, according to him, were undermining the unity of the West.
“As a candidate for President of the United for Hungary movement, as a Hungarian and European citizen, and not least as a 1956 refugee, I deeply condemn the aggression of Putin and Russia against Ukraine,” Péter Róna said in the statement.
According to Róna, Orbán’s actions “have made it difficult for the West to take unified action against Putin, have undermined the unity of the V4 and the West, and have served Russian interests and undermined the credibility of our country.”
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The united opposition candidate for head of state said that Putin’s intentions were clear from December 2021, if not before: “the revival of the former Soviet imperial zone! We are living in crucial hours. Now it will be decided whether the free world can stand united against Putin’s oppressive expansionism.”
According to Róna, there has been a social agreement in Hungary since St. Stephen’s Day that Hungary wants to belong to the West, not to the Russian sphere of interest, and this is now under threat. “I trust that all my compatriots of democratic convictions, regardless of party affiliation, will join me in condemning the Russian move and stand firmly with our fellow Baltic states, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and the democratic world”, he concludes.
Featured photo: Péter Róna, economist and then chairman of the program council of LMP, speaks at the party’s campaign rally in Budapest, at the Millenáris Theatre on April 4, 2014. Behind him Bernadett Szél and András Schiffer, co-chairs of LMP, from right Ágnes Osztolykán, Member of Parliament for LMP. Photo by Lajos Soós/MTI