According to Balázs Hankó, an increasing number of students should be directed to institutions with Hungarian identity.Continue reading
The parliamentary representation of indigenous Hungarians in Slovakia must be created, said János Árpád Potápi, State Secretary for National Policy, in Gombaszög (Gombasek, Slovakia), at the opening of the local summer camp.
At the opening ceremony of the camp, including the inauguration ceremony of the Andrássy Mansion renovation project, the State Secretary for National Policy recalled the history and tradition of the Gombaszög Summer Camp and its predecessors, and spoke about the mission of the event and the challenges facing Hungarians in Slovakia.
He noted that in Hungary, according to the Fundamental Law, all 13 national minorities are state-building factors, and based on this, he believes that
Hungarians are also a state-building factor in Slovakia.
This is why, he said, we must continue to stand for unity and do everything in our power to ensure that the Hungarian Alliance, the only Hungarian party in Slovakia based on national unity, is successful in the early parliamentary elections in September.
“Hungarian representation of interests must be established not only at the regional level, but we must once again achieve that the eight and a half percent of the indigenous Hungarian national community has representation in parliament,” highlighted János Árpád Potápi. He pointed out that it is the vital interest of the Hungarian minority in the region to have representatives in the Bratislava legislature again.
The parliamentary elections in Slovakia start on September 30. Opinion polls show support for the Alliance party at 4% over the last six months. This means that they are currently below the parliamentary threshold.
Gyula Bárdos, the national president of Csemadok, the largest Hungarian cultural and public organization in Felvidék, spoke about the importance of the camp, saying that
it is significant for future generations to “find their place” and to do their best to live as Hungarians in Slovakia.
The Gombaszög Summer Camp is the oldest summer event for young Hungarians in Slovakia, and this year’s edition will run from Tuesday to Sunday, with the camp taking place in the Gombaszög Valley near the village of Szalóc (Slavec).
Via MTI, Featured Photo via Facebook/Orosz Örs