Oversubscription has tripled for the János Neumann program.Continue reading
The National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (NKFIH) has successfully closed the call for proposals entitled Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas, launched on September 21, the Ministry of Culture and Innovation announced on Thursday.
According to the statement, the professional judging was carried out by academic and market experts, as well as the innovation panels of the newly established 3+1 focus areas of the Neumann János Program. On the basis of the panels’ recommendations, the NKFIH awarded grants to 56 project proposals.
There has been significant interest in the program, which aims to support joint developments between companies and universities and research institutes with economic and social impact:
more than HUF 123 billion (EUR 322 million; 1 EUR=382 HUF) worth of applications have been received for the HUF 35 billion available.
Some 350 academic and market experts participated in the NKFIH Office’s renewed evaluation process. As a result of the evaluations, the available budget of HUF 35 billion will not be fully used. In total, projects worth HUF 31 billion will be supported. The remaining amount will be reallocated to a call for start-ups and spin-offs.
The Minister of Culture and Innovation, János Csák, said in a statement that “the call focuses on the major themes identified in the Neumann János Program. Today, green transition, healthy living, and digitization are the most pressing social and economic challenges, and these are the key areas where Hungary can be most competitive. “The innovative projects supported by the call for proposals will help us to achieve our goal set in the Neumann János Program:
to make Hungary one of the top 10 innovators in Europe by 2030, and one of the top 10 innovators in the world by 2040,”
reads the statement.
Via MTI, Featured image: Pixabay