Budapest was the destination of choice for around three quarters of foreigners.Continue reading
Many people booked their accommodation only in the last days before departure, but hotels in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county were mostly satisfied with the summer traffic. So much so that some hotels have seen a double-digit increase compared to the previous year, writes Világgazdaság.
The year started with serious fears due to the huge increase in energy costs, with many hotels forced to close temporarily, but the summer turnover was good. There were no shortage of guests in the northeastern Hungary region, Péter Bágyi, president of the tourism and catering department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, told local newspaper Boon.hu.
The stalactite cave of the Aggtelek National Park. Photo via Facebook/Aggteleki Nemzeti Park
Most of the accommodation providers who were able to keep operating after the COVID epidemic and the energy price hikes are satisfied with their summer income. Moreover,
it is not heating that costs more in summer, but cooling, and air conditioning.
The majority of accommodation establishments this summer have matched last year’s figures, and some have even exceeded them. However, hotels were unable to benefit from the increase in revenue as costs were absorbed, and they could not increase the price of rooms or food to a justified extent. The situation of accommodation providers is made more difficult by the fact that
guests often book only in the last few days of the year, so it is not possible to draw any firm conclusions from autumn/winter bookings,
and what the end of the year will be like.
The Köpüs Stone is one of the wildest natural formations in the Bükk Mountains. Its south-facing, huge rock walls are located in the highly protected area of the Bükk National Park. Photo via Facebook/János Eszlári/Csodálatos Magyarország
There is also a noticeable change in the way the Széchenyi Pension Card is used, with many people spending the money they receive on food instead of holidays. Until the end of this year, groceries can be purchased with the SZÉP card, a help provided by the government to further curve inflation.
The Veil waterfall (Fátyol-vízesés) in Szilvásvárad. Photo via Facebook/Petró Róbert/Csodálatos Magyarország
Lajos Ivacs, hotel manager of the Aurora Hotel in Miskolc, noted that he expects a similar increase in traffic during the major holidays – of which there are several in December – and double-digit growth in the peak summer season.
Via Világgazdaság, Featured image via Facebook/Varga Judit