Hussars march, free museum entries, and light shows await the attendees of the programs.Continue reading
On the occasion of Hungary’s national holiday commemorating the 1848-49 uprising and war of independence, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had delivered his traditional speech on the stairs of the National Museum in Budapest.
In his address Viktor Orbán had pointed out that the Hungarian Revolution that started on March 15, 1848 was not destructive, but constructive. Its goal was not “denying, but creating”. In the end, it brought life, not death.
This is what a revolution looks like when it is fought by young Hungarians”.
Photo: MTI/Máthé Zoltán
The Prime Minister highlighted to his audience that today the Western world proclaims that the most important question is what kind of world we leave to our children. He called this understanding a “colossal mistake”, turning it the other way round.
The question is not what kind of world we leave to our children, but what kind of children we leave to the world. In fact, it all depends on this alone… The parents of the March youths knew that there is only a homeland as long as there is someone to love it”,
the Prime Minister pointed out.
Not big enough in size, not numerous enough in number, and not rich enough in money to guarantee its survival. The Hungarian homeland is sustained by the love of its citizens and the strength of their hearts alone. This is what makes us special, he continued his speech. In the western world today, millions of people think and live as if they came from nowhere and were goin nowhere. Therefore they have no regard for anything or anyone. They are starting wars, redrawing national borders, they despise the dead and disenfranchise the unborn. We Hungarians live differently, and we want to live differently, the Hungarian Prime Minister stressed.
We come from somewhere and we are going somewhere. Everything we have was given to us by our ancestors and with it the mission to preserve and pass it all on. This is the essence of Hungarian freedom.
Hungarians do not consider themselves free just because they are not hungry or because they are not tormented by spiritual misery. It does not make us free if everyone does what they like. For us, freedom is to be able to build a country for ourselves where there is no landlord over our heads. The greatest thing that can happen to us is to be born Hungarian. In the Western world, some imagine that it is entirely up to one’s free choice to choose which state one becomes a citizen of, to decide whether one is a boy or a girl, claim that the family is what one invents for oneself, and the homeland is just a place of activity. We Hungarians do not believe in that. We know that if you stand alone in the world, you are not free, you are lonely, stressed Viktor Orbán.
He then continued in allegory saying that “a traveler sees a man on the side of the road breaking rocks with a hammer. What are you doing? Can not you see? I am breaking rocks. He sees another man breaking stones. What are you doing? Can not you see? I am building a cathedral!” Today the European left is breaking stones. Toiling for their own sake, deprived of past and future. We are building a cathedral, said the Prime Minister. The joint effort of an eleven hundred years. From the building blocks of forty generations, the cathedral of Hungary rises. Saint Stephen founded it, King Matthias made it great.
“Shall we be slaves or free?” – he quoted the famous poem by Sándor Petőfi. We must answer this first. We long for the pleasures of a quiet, calm and secure life. We can have it, and I am sure that God will give it to us. But first there is a little work to be done. Europe is not quiet today, the people of Europe today fear Brussels for their freedom. They want to impose on us what the Hungarians can or cannot do. Something that is damning to the Hungarian spirit, something that is alien to Hungarian life. They want to squeeze us into a war, they want to shove migrants down our throats and they want to re-educate our children.
But we are not going to war, we are not letting migrants in, and we are not giving our children away. It is as simple as that and as clear as day, because Hungary is a free and sovereign country. And it will remain so.
Brussels is not the first empire to cast an eye on Hungary, Viktor Orbán continued. We are a proud and self-respecting people. To make us bend, to squeeze us would be considered a double success, because it would be a way to discourage other rebels. However, in the last five hundred years, all empires have realized that oppression, blackmail, violence against the Hungarians will get them nowhere. The crescent moon is gone, the claw of the two-headed eagle is worn out, and the red star had faded. We are the sand in the machine, the stick between the spokes, the thorn under the nail. We are the David whom Goliath had better avoid. In Istanbul, Berlin, Moscow and Vienna, they realized that everyone would do well to leave us alone. But we also demonstrated that if we get respect we would return it duly, and create a peaceful, prosperous era as far as the eye could see.
Photo: MTI/Máthé Zoltán
The Hungarian Prime Minister continued his speech by saying that instead of peace, we have war, instead of security, we have a legal mess, instead of prosperity, we have financial blackmail.
We have been cheated. It is time for us to rise up.
It is time to restore the self-esteem and the self-respect of the European people. We are not alone. The Poles may have been swept away by the tidal wave of the George Soros controlled left, but the Slovaks are back on their feet, the Czechs are waking up, the Austrians are getting ready, the Italians are slowly getting their bearings, the Dutch are on their feet and the Americans are rebelling. This will be a pivotal year. At the beginning of the year we were alone, by the end of the year we will be the majority in the western world. We are also facing a sovereign turn in America and Europe, prognosticated the Prime Minister.
Normal life can be restored in Europe and America, and we can usher in a new great era for Western nations, in which everyone can find their own destiny. Everyone except those who have erased themselves from history.
Those who have broken their oath to serve their nation. Those who have treacherously stabbed their country in the back. Those who would open the gates to illegal migrants, who would hand our children over to mindless gender activists for thirty pieces of silver in Brussels. Those who sold out and been bought by the kilo to get into power. Their calculations will not be fulfilled, theirs will be the destiny of traitors. As Hungarian writer Magda Szabó wrote once: “the traitor is forgotten, the traitor is gone, dead, never known”.
Photo: MTI
Featured Image: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd