"Some do not see this as a problem," while others would use migration as a solution, Orbán said, adding that "we're vaccinated against wokeism and our history is protecting us against the cultural left."Continue reading
The Hungarian government will use the referendum on its amendment to the child protection law to strengthen its position against Brussels, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told public radio on Friday, adding that this strategy had worked “when Brussels almost got the better of us on the issue of migration”.
Thanks to the referendum on migration issues in 2016, “mandatory resettlement quotas were not introduced, and no migrants have been settled in Hungary since,” Orbán said in the interview.
I don’t care what Brussels says about our child protection law, and I don’t want the Venice Commission interfering in how Hungarians raise their children”
Orbán said Hungary “had to use its own common sense” because “there’s craziness in Europe, a wave of disrespect for the sole right of parents to raise their children, including their sex education.”
The government can protect the country’s interests only if Hungarians support its efforts, he said.
The prime minister accused Brussels of “blackmailing Hungary” over the child protection law issue. He added that Hungary would win the dispute, and recovery funding would be forthcoming sooner or later. In the meantime, the government is pre-financing the relevant projects, he added.
He said a “war of nerves” was taking place between the government and the EU. “If we Hungarians persevere, we’ll win,” he added.
Orbán accused the EU of trying to intervene in the 2022 general election with a desire to stamp its mark on issues such as immigration, energy pricing and how children are raised. He said Brussels wanted a government in Hungary that says: “jawohl”.
Featured photo by Zoltán Fischer/PM’s Press Office