Hungary is on track to reach the goal set by NATO to raise defence spending to 2 percent of GDP by 2024, and to spend 20 percent of that money on developments, Benkő said.Continue reading
Hungary has a vested interest in the peace, stability and security of the Balkans, and Serbians living in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Republika Sprska play a key role in that process, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Saturday, after meeting Milorad Dodik, the Serbian member of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s presidential troika, in Banja Luka.
“Hungarian history shows clearly the effect of the [Balkan] region’s events on our country,” and Hungary is committed to supporting the region’s development, Orbán told the press after the meeting.
“We will expand our neighborhood and economic program to the Republika Sprska, we will support small and medium-sized enterprises and so open new opportunities for Hungarian entrepreneurs too,” he said.
In the featured photo, Milorad Dodik, the Serbian member of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s presidential troika, welcomes Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán upon his arrival in Banja Luka. Featured photo by Zoltán Fischer/Prime Minister’s Press Office/MTI