MCC Brussels's report found that the EU has allocated at least €221 million to NGOs promoting gender identity ideology over the last decade.Continue reading
The vote on the amendment to the law allowing the ban on Pride took place under scandalous circumstances on Tuesday. Momentum politicians protesting against the decision lit smoke flares in the chamber, which made a government MP sick, Magyar Nemzet reported.
Parliament adopted the proposal to amend Act LV of 2018 on the Right of Assembly in connection with the protection of children and related laws by 136 votes in favor. According to the adopted proposal, events such as the Pride march can no longer be held in the future.
Opposition MPs, including Momentum politicians, tried to disrupt the vote. They threw papers from the gallery into the chamber, then lit smoke candles and shouted “We will not allow it!”.
Deputy house speaker János Latorcai said that the disorderly MPs would be subject to sanctions.
The leader of the Fidesz parliamentary group, Máté Kocsis, said that his colleague Gábor Bányai, who barely survived Covid, had received emergency medical treatment due to the smoke in the chamber. The politician also reported that another MP from opposition party MSZP, Ágnes Kunhalmi, was also visibly affected by the politicians’ actions.
Dániel Deák, a senior analyst at the 21st Century Institute, pointed out that the opposition MPs’ presumably got their idea from Serbia. At the beginning of March, Serbian opposition politicians set off smoke grenades and tear gas to protest against the government.
Chaos in Serbian parliament as opposition sets off smoke grenades and tear gas to protest against the government. pic.twitter.com/1QFyFP12ad
— Update NEWS (@UpdateNews724) March 4, 2025
As Hungary Today reported earlier, the amendment makes it illegal to hold gatherings that violate Hungary’s child protection laws. Organizers who mislead authorities or participate in banned events despite police warnings will face penalties. To prevent misuse, violations will be classified as offenses punishable by fines, collected as public debt and allocated to child protection.
Via Magyar Nemzet, Featured photo via Facebook/Kocsis Máté