Architects have five months from the contract's start to complete the design work.Continue reading
Organ, cello, flute, jazz piano, period instruments and the most beautiful instrument, singing voice, will be heard in nine churches and three prayer houses of Szentendre at the sacral, all-arts festival organized by the Ferenczy Museum Center, Magyar Nemzet reports. The Szentendre Open Churches Weekend will take place between September 6-8 for the fourth time. Church tours, exhibitions, art and music history lectures, as well as creative programs will await visitors.
At the Ferenczy Museum Center’s sacral, all-arts festival, the gates and courtyards of nine churches and three prayer houses will open to the public in Szentendre (near Budapest), where the organizers are awaiting the public with church tours, exhibitions, art and music history lectures and creative programs.
This year, the denominations and cultural institutions of the town will once again offer meaningful and uplifting events at the fourth Szentendre Open Churches Weekend.
The message of this year’s program is hope.
Photo: Facebook/Szentendrei Nyitott Templomok Hétvégéje
In addition to the Ferenczy Museum Center, the local religious communities – Catholic, Reformed, Evangelical, Serbian Orthodox, Jewish, Baptist – and the cultural institutions of the town are involved in the organization of the programs.
New this year, on the zero day of the weekend, a storytelling church walk is invited by storyteller Luca Nagy. On the same day, an open-air exhibition of Szentendre’s churches will open at the Belgrade Cathedral. The St. Ephrem Male Choir, Trio Cantio, Capella Savaria, Musica Beata Choir and Amadinda Percussion Project will perform, and the proceeds of the evening’s closing concerts will also support charity.
As is tradition, the Szentendre Karitász will donate the money raised to summer camps for children of needy families.
All the other programs are free of charge, and the exhibitions of the Ferenczy Museum Center are open to the public this weekend without any entrance fee.
Via Magyar Nemzet, Featured image: Facebook/Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum