The issue of green transition has been politicized, according to Péter Szijjártó.Continue reading
Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó spoke about the importance of nuclear energy in Washington.
“Nuclear energy has become an issue of sovereignty and national security,” Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said at the ministerial meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Washington on Wednesday, according to MTI.
Szijjártó said that the current energy crisis has not only been caused by the war in Ukraine and the EU sanctions, it has also contributed to the EU community becoming “much too lazy,” neglecting crucial investments and infrastructure developments, focusing on spot markets rather than on long-term purchase agreements.
He said that green energy has been shrouded in ideology. Regarding the strong anti-nuclear position he observed, Szijjártó said that those who attekpt to prove their point by referring to such nuclear disasters as Chernobyl and Fukushima, are arguing as if they were saying that we should give up cars because of a road accident.
According to Szijjártó, the nuclear energy sector may remain relatively exempt from “overly ideological, emotional debates, and the sector is an intact sliver of East-West cooperation.”
The countries able to generate the energy they consume will be best positioned to weather the energy crisis caused by the Russia-Ukraine war and “botched sanctions,” he stressed. Hungary’s best chance to do so is using nuclear energy, by a much-needed upgrade of the Paks nuclear plant, he added.
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