Quartapelle called on Meloni to choose between Europe and Viktor Orbán.Continue reading
Hungary is not the only EU Member State to say no to the distribution of migrants, as nations that claim to be much more European are doing the same, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stated at a press event in Milan on Tuesday.
The Italian Prime Minister was the guest of a gathering organized by the conservative daily La Verita on the future of Italy and Europe as a campaign event for the European Parliament elections.
Giorgia Meloni said that she was not aware of France or Germany “taking over so many people from Italy.” She was referring to the fact that few Member States have taken in people from the more than 100,000 immigrants who arrive on Italian shores every year. She noted that when she took office in October 2022, the debate in Europe was exclusively about the distribution of migrants.
Hungary is resisting the distribution, but nations that claim to be much more European are resisting it just as much,”
she said.
Giorgia Meloni. Photo: Facebook/Giorgia Meloni
She stressed that the only viable way forward, which takes into account everyone’s interests, is to debate how to stop illegal immigration into Europe. “The only serious approach is cooperation with the countries of origin and transit,” Meloni stressed. She added that her government has signed agreements with Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya over the last year and a half to cooperate in stopping illegal immigration.
As a result, she said, migration pressure in the western Mediterranean has fallen by 60 percent since last spring. “This is the path to follow and this is the message that the citizens of the Member States can send to the European Union (…) Their vote is essential to strengthen our position and that of those who share our views,” Meloni underlined.
Via MTI, Featured image: Facebook/SOS MEDITERRANEE Italia