Rehabilitation, neurosurgery, and neurointervention will be added from March 1.Continue reading
The new rehabilitation outpatient clinic established in cooperation with the Kreatív Formák Foundation at the Ophthalmology Clinic of the University of Szeged, provides a unique service for patients with severe and permanent visual impairment, said Edit Tóth-Molnár, director of the clinic, at a press conference on Thursday.
At a press conference presenting the activities of the new clinic, the head of the department said it is difficult for an ophthalmologist to say that there are points when medicine cannot help at the moment. “The clinic was set up so that patients could get the help they needed to rebuild their lives in a new situation as quickly as possible, within the walls of a health institution,” she said.
It is currently unique in the country that a university clinic with the full range of scientific and practical tools can help visually impaired patients at the same place and time with the staff of an organization providing professional support in rehabilitation,”
noted Edit Tóth-Molnár.
The clinic currently sees patients four hours a week, with appointments announced in advance to accommodate different examinations. If patients request it, the clinic and the foundation are ready to extend the opening hours, the director said.
Éva Nagygyörgy, the professional manager of the Kreatív Formák Foundation, said that their organization has been coordinating the elementary and later vocational rehabilitation of visually impaired people since 2007. The Southern Great Plain Rehabilitation Center (Dél-Alföldi Rehabilitációs Központ), maintained by the foundation, currently provides free services to visually impaired people living in the counties of Bács-Kiskun, Békés, and Csongrád-Csanád to restore their independence and improve their quality of life.
“For a person who has become severely visually impaired as a result of an eye disease or an accident and who has been living independently, it is a serious shock to find that they need help in their daily life.
Patients are helped by a psychologist to cope with the situation, and a social worker to provide them with lifestyle advice and support in navigating the care system,”
she said.
Moreover, patients can receive training tailored to their specific needs and life situation, ranging from photography, kitchen and household tasks, to IT. In addition to preparing for the longer rehabilitation process, the outpatient clinic offers patients immediate advice on the choice of optical aids, as well as the opportunity to inform their relatives.
Via MTI, Featured image: Facebook/SZTE SZAKK Szemészeti Klinika