Hungary is the third most important cycling nation in Europe, state secretary for transport development, László Mosóczi said.Continue reading
A new, 32.6km stretch of the Budapest-Balaton bicycle path was completed, with the bike route now reaching Lake Velence, the National Infrastructure Developer (NIF) said on Wednesday.
The first stretch between Budapest and Etyek was opened to traffic in June.
The investment involved paving 18km of existing farm roads to be used jointly by farm vehicles and cyclists. A new bridge was built across the Bágyom creek near Pázmánd. Other roads were reconstructed and bike lanes painted. A new 1.9km bike path was built between Nadap and Velence.
The new section covers the villages of Etyek, Gyúró, Tordas, Kajászó, Pázmánd, Nadap, and the city of Velence. Two new rest areas have been built along the route, with benches and tables for cyclists who want to rest.
The NIF stressed that the development will make it easier for people living in the area to reach their destinations and will also provide a more comfortable and safer transport solution for those who wish to cycle from Budapest to Lake Velence.
The project was commissioned by the Ministry of Technology and Industry and its predecessor, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, costing 2.7 billion forints (EUR 6.7m).
via MTI
Featured photo illustration by Tibor Rosta/MTI