The research-development-innovation system could reach its full potential by 2024, with spendingr eaching 3 percent of GDP by the end of the decade.Continue reading
The John von Neumann Program is the new strategic program for Hungarian science and innovation, Balázs Hankó, State Secretary for Innovation and Higher Education of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, told the public media.
The state secretary recalled that the program was named after John von Neumann, the mathematical genius of the 20th century, who was born 120 years ago and was part of the “battle group” alongside Ede Teller, Leó Szilárd and Tódor Kármán, who were called “Martians” in America.
He stressed that much progress had been made in Hungarian research in recent years, but they wanted the country to have a knowledge-based economy with strong domestic added value alongside a work-based society. This requires innovation, Hungarian creativity and vision.
We have set a target for Hungary to be among the top ten innovators in Europe by 2030, instead of the 21st by the present,”
he said.
Hungary needs more research and development staff, he stressed, pointing out that their number had already doubled compared to 2010, with 6,000 researchers and developers per million inhabitants, but they want to increase to 9,000 by 2030.
More patents will also be needed to double the current number by 2030, he added.
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